Friday, June 1, 2007

Enough Already

I am a concerned American citizen. I am tired of the apathy that runs rampant among my fellow citizens. In response to this apathy I have created a blog, in which I will post a wide spectrum of political commentary ranging from informal gripes to more formal articles and letters. My blog is named "Streets of Gold" because of the idea that fueled the imagination of so many nineteenth century immigrants: that the streets of America are paved with gold; not only the gold of wealth and prosperity, but the gold of righteousness and equality. To say the least, the shimmer of America's gold has grown dim and tarnished, and I refuse to stand idly by while the infrastructure of my country crumbles around me. I hope to inspire others to think, speak, and act according to the American ideals which we citizens should all hold dear. Read my posts, respond if you feel so inclined, argue with what I say and argue with your fellow American. We can solve many problems by debating them and resolving them in a fair, open-minded way. E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many, One.

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