Thursday, December 20, 2007

Barack Hussein Obama

Well, here it is, everyone: I support Barack Obama, even though Hillary is the darling now (God knows why). And I guess people have been trying to defeat Obama by bringing up the fact that he has Muslim heritage, and his middle name is Hussein. I have several problems with this. First of all, anyone who isn't a dumb American with no education would know that Hussein is a very common name in Muslim countries, it's like Hernandez in Spanish-speaking countries. So just because Obama's middle name is Hussein, it doesn't mean he's related to a dictator family, and it doesn't mean he is going to declare jihad on us (oh, and in case we forgot, Osama bin Laden of AFGHANISTAN and Al Qaida declared jihad on us, NOT Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Saddam was perfectly nice and quiet, just minding his own normal business of torturing his citizens, but he wasn't trying to blow up our skyscrapers. OSAMA was. In Afghanistan. Where he is, still alive, and still plotting against us. Hmmmm....we haven't really accomplished anything for our own safety, have we? DUH.)

Second of all, I would feel very safe having Obama fly around the world representing the United States as its president. If you think Bush is buddy-buddy with the oil-mongers in Saudi Arabia, think of what Obama could do in terms of relating to Muslim people. Muslims are going to be more likely to listen to an American who has a name similar to theirs and who vaguely resembles someone from their country than they will listen to Bushy-wushy with his darling curly hair and his Texan cowboy demeanor. Hey, maybe if we had a president who wasn't so antagonistic towards Muslims, the Muslim extremists wouldn't hate and want to blow us up so much! Do we really think Hillary is going to do a better job relating to Muslim countries than Barack Obama would? What experience does she have, except the same thing all the other presidents have had, the experience of a privileged white American?

I'm on Obama's side. Jihad, how ridiculous. If Bush's "war on terror" isn't jihad, I don't know what is.